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Baptism is an outward indication of an inward commitment to Jesus. It is a way to declare publicly your faith in Jesus and your new identity in Christ. You are telling of the day Jesus brought you into new life with Him!

We at Bethany believe that everyone who has made the decision to believe in Christ for their salvation should be baptized, because Jesus commanded it (Matthew 28:19), because Jesus modeled it (Mark 1:9), and because it allows you to make a public testimony of your faith in Jesus! By immersing ourselves in water and coming up again out of the water, we symbolize our death and resurrection with Jesus (Romans 6:3-5). 

If you have not yet been baptized and are ready to take the next step in your journey of faith, one of our pastors would love to talk with you about being baptized. Complete the Baptism Form and we will get in touch with you about your baptism in an upcoming service.