Christmas at Bethany
December 1 marked the first Sunday of Advent, which is a time of preparation and anticipation of the nativity, the birth of Christ. It is a time for us to reflect on the hope, peace, joy and love that can be found in the person of Jesus Christ. As we all prepare for time with family and friends, we invite you to also make time to allow Christ to be the center of your celebrations. The following events will take place in December:
Christmas Time of Prayer | December 15 | 5 PM
There are so many opportunities that take our time and attention during the holidays but few allow us time for quiet reflection, worship, and prayer. We invite you to join us for a Christmas Time of Prayer on Sunday, December 15 at 5 PM as we gather to sing Christmas carols, reflect on scripture, and pray together. We will also enjoy some seasonal hot cider and cookies. Families are welcome at this evening service.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | December 24 | 5:30 PM
Christmas is a season of hope, joy, decorations, gifts, and celebrations. But all of the hustle & bustle can make December feel disconnected from the other months, instead of the culmination of the year. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it can also feel like a singular event, disconnected from the flow of history. But the birth of Jesus is just the next step in God’s plan of redemption, connected to everything that came before and all that comes after. This Christmas Eve, we will reflect on God’s work of redemption in the world and in our lives from the beginning through all eternity. Adults and children of all ages are welcome at this candlelight service.
Family Service | December 29
What better way to end the year than with a Family Worship Service!? Kids of all ages are invited to sit with their families as we worship together. Come a bit early to enjoy a cup of cocoa and a sweet treat. Then we'll worship together and hear a message from God's Word. There will be no 9 AM classes and no children's ministry on this Sunday.
Christmas Offering | Through December 24
This year's Holiday Offering will fund special outreach projects for our missionaries in Honduras, Mexico, Nepal, and Eastern Asia. You can give in the following ways: By texting HOLIDAY+ a dollar amount to 84321; by giving online and use the HOLIDAY fund; or, by marking HOLIDAY on in-person giving envelopes or checks. Thank you for prayerfully considering giving to the Holiday Offering above and beyond your regular giving.
End of Year Giving | Through December 31 Thank you so much for your regular financial support of Bethany Church. Your generous donations allow us to continue to share the gospel in the community and around the world. We are grateful for your support. If you are considering making an end-of-year gift, you can do so through December 31. As a reminder, we are transitioning to a new giving platform called Church Center. If you have recurring giving set up in E360 and have not switched to the new platform, we encourage you to do so by the end of the month. Our goal is to have all online giving moved over to Church Center by the end of the year. You can find step by step instructions on how to cancel your recurring giving in E360 and set up your new recurring giving in Church Center.