Growth Groups

One of the primary ways we grow in our faith is by connecting in relationships with other believers around God's Word. Growth Groups are long-term small group Bible studies designed to do just that. In them we prioritize true relationships, spiritual conversations, and growth in one another's lives. If you are in a place where you feel like you need regular encouragement and support in your life & faith journey, and if you desire to provide that to others, this could be a great step for you! 

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42

We currently have groups that would love to invite you in to join their community. Most meet in homes, some meet at the church. Most meet every week or every other week, on weeknights or Sunday evenings.

If you are interested in joining a Growth Group, fill out the form below or contact Pastor Dave ( ) and we can help you find a group to get connected with!