Men of Bethany

"He restores my soul..."
Psalm 23:3

Do you ever feel worn out? At the end of your rope? Unable to accomplish what you most desire deep down on the inside? This fall, we are going to dive into the 23rd Psalm, seek to become more like Christ, and allow the Good Shepherd's guidance, love, and care to fill the deepest needs and longings of our hearts. We will encourage each other through Bible study, prayer, and intentional conversation, to allow the truths and love of God to transform us more into His image. Will you join us? You won't regret it!

Men's Gathering- Fall 2024 Dates: 

  • Wednesday, October 2nd - Psalm 23:3 - The Good Shepherd Meets Our Spiritual Needs. 
    Join us at 7pm for our regular Gathering. Snacks and drinks will be provided! Future 2024 dates include:
  • Wednesday, November 6th - Psalm 23:4 - The Good Shepherd Guides Us Through Life's Challenges
  • Wednesday, December 4th - Psalm 23:5-6 - The Good Shepherd Prepares Us For The Eternal Kingdom

You can stay updated on our Men's Ministry by filling out the form below or by contacting Dave Darjany: .


He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
Psalm 23:3