Easter at Bethany
On The Road
So much happens on the road of life. We never know what is around the corner. One moment can change the trajectory of our lives. In the span of a week the people of Jerusalem go from calling Jesus their king, to crying for him to be crucified. Things changed so quickly, and they still do. How can we know how to navigate everything that comes at us on the road of life? How can we know God is with us? How does what happened 2000 years ago matter in our daily lives? Come and hear how we can learn from Jesus’s road to the cross this Easter.
Palm Sunday | April 13 | 10:30 AM
Join us as we follow Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, His Triumphal Entry, when He is praised as King and Savior. We will celebrate communion together during this service.
Children's Programming will be available for children in the nursery through 5th Grade.
Good Friday | April 18 | 6:30 PM
On Good Friday, we will follow Jesus on the road to Calvary. This quiet, reflective service will be filled with music and dramatic readings.
No Children's Programming will be available for this service; children are welcome to sit with parents.
Easter Sunrise Service | April 20 at 6 AM in the Courtyard**
Join us in the courtyard as we watch the sun rise together. This service will include music and a devotional message that will be unique to the 6 AM service.
No Children's Programming will be available for this service; children are welcome to sit with parents.
**In case of inclement weather, the Sunrise Service will move to the Sanctuary.
Easter Worship Service | April 20 at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary
In our Easter Worship Service, we will follow Jesus and His friends on the road to Emmaus. How could they not recognize the One with whom they had walked so far? But their eyes were opened to who He really was. This will be a triumphant service as we celebrate that He has risen!
Children's Programming will be available for children in the nursery through 5th Grade.
Easter Offering | Through April 20
This year's Easter Offering will fund projects including Los Angeles Fire Relief and a special building project in Honduras. You can give by giving online and using the EASTER fund or by marking EASTER on in-person giving envelopes or checks. Thank you for prayerfully considering giving to the EASTER Offering above and beyond your regular giving. The EASTER Fund will be open through April 20.