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All Church Reading Plan

December 4, 2022 12:00am

Contact: Laurie O'Toole e

Connect with us in conversation about God's Word! We invite you to take part in our Bible Reading Plan! 

Starting on Labor Day Weekend and ending on Easter Weekend, we will read about two chapters per day.

  1. One chapter will be in Psalms and Proverbs.
  2. The other will be in the Gospel of John through 3 Peter. We will read through the life of Christ and culminating with His death & resurrection on Easter Weekend.

This will be a 6-day reading plan with no assigned readings on Sundays. The goal is not completing the tasks but rather having common readings so that we can connect together about God's Word! Don't miss out! 

It's not too late to join the conversation by joining our reading plan! 

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